Why I Write Own Voices Stories – Preslaysa Williams

Guest Blog from Preslaysa Williams, 10/31 Quarterly Meeting Speaker Origins and Definition of Own Voices The Own Voices movement began when children’s literature author, Corinne Davis, created a hashtag of the same name. Corinne wanted to emphasize the importance of Own Voices in children’s literature because, despite the rallying cry for diversity in the Kidlit…

Hooking Readers in the Online Sea – Linda J. White, FBI Fiction

Guest Blog from Linda J. White, 9/22 Webinar Speaker Writers upload seventy million new blog posts every month to WordPress. Each has the potential to reach the 409 million readers who regularly access blogs on that platform. That’s just one platform, and one type of online writing. The Internet is truly an ocean of readers…

Penn Attracts Readers to Books / A Book Review

Penn Attracts Readers to Books / A Book Review

Review by:Stephen W. Hiemstra How to Market a BookJoanna Penn One of the banes of postmodern life is that successful professionals must communicate effectively across multiple media. Communication is more important than ever because technology has made all of us more productive. If one 2017 professional can now do the work of a dozen 1960…