2019 Summer Webinars / How to Structure Your Book

2019 Summer Webinars

with Melanie Rigney

Melanie Rigney is the author of three books, including the just-released Woman of Worth: Prayers and Reflections for Women Inspired by the Book of Proverbs (Twenty-third Publications). Earlier in her career, she was the editor of Writer’s Digest magazine, and acquired books for WD, Macmillan Computer Publishing, and Thomson Financial Publishing. In addition to writing, Melanie is the owner of Editor for You, a publishing consultancy established in 2003 that has helped hundreds of publishers, agents, and authors. She lives in Arlington.






How to Structure Your Book
Parts I and II

Just getting started on your book—or ready for a round of revisions? This two-part webinar will provide helpful tips regardless of where you are in the process. Join us for one session or both; the content for each will be unique. Information will be relevant to fiction and nonfiction writers alike.

Part I: Learning on Someone Else’s Nickel
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
8:00 – 9:00pm
“The best education you’ll ever get is on someone else’s nickel,” one of Melanie Rigney’s favorite mentors liked to say. In this session, learn how to dissect a book in your genre that’s done well… and how to put what you learn into practice in your own work.
Part II:  The Elements of Story
and What They Mean to You
Thursday, July 25, 2019
8:00 – 9:00pm
Theme, character, setting, plot, point of view: They’re important whether you’re writing a novel, memoir, book of devotions, or anything else. Learn what these elements mean to your book and how to use them to build a better foundation for your work.


Members: Free

Nonmembers/Pay as you go: $10

(Must register for webinar in advance to get replay.)

  • Members – Check Members Only email for link.
  • Non-Members go to Webinar Payment. Following payment you will be directed to the registration site.

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