Member Spotlight: Sarah Hamaker

Member Spotlight: Sarah Hamaker

What type of writing do you do? (Books, blogging, articles, genre, audience, etc.) And are you traditionally published or self/indie published? Sarah: As a professional freelance writer, I’m always writing! Over the years, I’ve written hundreds of articles and blogs for national trade associations. Currently, wearing my freelance writer hat, I write magazine articles and…

Book Review

The Last Fifty Pages: The Art and Craft of Unforgettable Endings, James Scott Bell / A Book Review

Bell Writes Finishing Well James Scott Bell. 2019. The Last Fifty Pages: The Art and Craft of Unforgettable Endings. Woodland Hills, CA: Compendium Press. The hardest part of ending a post or book is to end gracefully. It is generally good to offer a chiastic return to your opening comments or to highlight the theme…