UPDATE: Call for Submissions – 2020 CCWF Publishing Project
Prayer for Writers
a handbook of prayers for
your writing life
The anthology CCWF will publish in 2020 is Prayers for Writers.
Do you pray over your writing projects? As Christian writers, we know that should be a priority, but deadlines and responsibilities can distract us. To help make this a focus in your writing endeavors, Capital Christian Writers Fellowship is creating a handbook of prayers for Christian writers. These prayers are from the heart of writers for writers.
We invite our members to be part of this project and ask that each of our members submit one or more prayers for inclusion. Also accepting royalty-free photos, graphics, and/or artwork. You must provide the source for the photos/graphics/artwork (i.e., website link). Stand-alone artwork should be accompanied with a title and/or written explanation. This book is our first anthology project as CCWF.
SUBMISSIONS: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 – Friday, November 15, 2019.
Submit: ccwf@ccwritersfellowship.org*
Receiving submissions from CCWF Members.
Multiple submissions welcomed and encouraged.
Prayers for Writers will serve as a handbook to encourage and inspire Christian writers in their writing life. This collection will be a balance of prayers from Scripture and personal prayer. Personal prayers can be general or focused on the topics listed below.
We encourage you to contribute—sharing your writing prayers with your fellow writers.
Having a collection like this helps us borrow from the strength of others who have thought about writing.
Focused Prayers
In addition to general prayers for writers, focused prayers will be directed to specific topics. These topics will provide a structure for the anthology. The following topics will guide our focused prayers:
- Praise and Thanksgiving
- Focus on Mission
- Prepare to Write
- Excel in Craft
- Commit and Submit the Writing to God
- Blessing
When submitting, you’ll be asked to choose which of these topics best fits your prayer(s).
Submit to ccwf@ccwritersfellowship.org
* Selections for publication will be the property of the CCWF editorial group. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. Decisions of the editorial group are final.