2021 Anthology Information Links

Announcing 2021 CCWF Anthology
CCWF Anthology: Additional Information
Conversations Anthology Permissions Form

2021 Anthology
Conversations: Coming To Know God and to Make Him Known

Submission Genre
Devotions – up to 300 words
Essay – up to 1500 words
Narrative – up to 2000 words
Poetry – two pages

SUBMISSIONS: April 19-June 30, 2021. Each submission should be sent via email as an attached Word document  Anthology in the subject line. Contact CCWF for more information regarding Anthology submissions.

Top of submission document:
Theme: (from list on Additional Information Page, i.e. Beatitudes, Salt and Light, Love your enemies, Lord’s Prayer, etc. or “general” if not a specific theme)
Word Count:

Formatting for text documents:

  • MSWord compatible: Ariel, Times New Roman, or Calibri,
  • 12 font size, double spaced, pages numbered
  • All quotes and references must be accurately attributed – end notes
  • All scripture quotes need to be identified by translation and must be verified with Bible Hub for correct wording.
  • Title and author on each page header

Non-text submissions: **

We also invite royalty-free photos, graphics or artwork.

  • Must provide the source for any photos/graphics/artwork included in your submission.
  • Stand-alone artwork and other non-text submissions should be accompanied with a title and/or written explanation that links to the Sermon on the Mount.

Submission(s) should be accompanied by a recent digital picture and a short bio of no more than 50 – 60 words, please limit media links to 2 urls. (suggestion: website and 1 social media)

ALL submissions should be accompanied by a Conversations Anthology Permissions Form.

* Selections for publication will be the property of the CCWF editorial group. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. Decisions of the editorial group are final.
** We reserve the right to exclude graphics that prove to be too difficult to format for publication.