CCWF September 2022 Webinar: Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction

Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction With Dr. Craig von Buseck Wednesday, September 14, 8-9 p.m. Eastern   CCWF members, see your email to register for this event. Nonmembers, you can attend for $10 by clicking here. In “Telling the Truth: How to Write Narrative Nonfiction,” Dr. Craig von Buseck will take us…

Self-Publish without Being Eaten by Sharks

Webinar Amy DeardonJanuary 6, 20208:00 – 9:00p.m. Eastern Time How to Become Happily Self-Published without Being Eaten by Sharks Congratulations on finishing your manuscript! Now it’s time to self-publish. What do you do now?  This talk walks you through the self-publishing process. Keep all rights and profits while you design and market your stunning new…

November Webinar: 3 Purposes for a Writer’s Website

Presented by Stephanie Buckwalter 3 Purposes for a Writer’s WebsiteFall Webinar, 11/11/20208:00 – 9:00pmZoom Meeting Member Registration in Member Reminder emailClick Here to begin Non-Member registration ($10.00) Your website is more than a blog—much more. Learn the 3 purposes of your writer’s website and how to organize it to meet those purposes. You’ll get a…