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Join the Conversation

Sarah Hamaker, CCWF President If you’re reading this, chances are you consider yourself a writer—and we at Capital Christian Writers Fellowship believe that you are one, no matter where you find yourself along your writing journey. Since you are a writer, I encourage you to share with the large writing community in our 2021 anthology…

Using Your Voice to Market Your Words

Public Speaking, Radio Interviews, and Podcasting for Writers Quarterly Meeting: Details Below In Using Your Voice to Market Your Words, career journalist and speechwriter Debb Hackett will walk you through ways to make public speaking, radio interviews and podcasting work for you. Many writers shy away from such ‘extrovert’ forms of communication but they can hold big opportunities to reach new audiences.  Writer, broadcaster…

Building Your Email List

Webinar with Hallee BridgemanTuesday, 4/13/20218:00 – 9:00pm – Webinar Bestselling author Hallee Bridgeman will how to grow and maintain and active newsletter list. She’ll talk about the tools available to grow a newsletter, how to develop an onboarding drip campaign to engage new readers, and then how to keep them opening and interacting with your…