2019 Summer Webinars / How to Structure Your Book

2019 Summer Webinars / How to Structure Your Book

2019 Summer Webinars with Melanie Rigney Melanie Rigney is the author of three books, including the just-released Woman of Worth: Prayers and Reflections for Women Inspired by the Book of Proverbs (Twenty-third Publications). Earlier in her career, she was the editor of Writer’s Digest magazine, and acquired books for WD, Macmillan Computer Publishing, and Thomson…

Rediscover the Wonder

Rediscover the Wonder

By Sarah Hamaker, CCWF president I rushed along, hurrying through my errands and worrying about my ever-lengthening to-do list. I had things to do, places to go, people to see, and it all had to be done right this very minute. This scenario wasn’t uncommon in my life a few years ago. Like many of…

Writing That Sings

Writing that Sings “Let my writing sing to You, Lord.” I am inspired to pray this prayer because the psalms are full of singing. “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord.” (Ps. 95:1). “Sing to the Lord a new song.” (Ps. 96:1) “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of…

May 2019 Quarterly Meeting

May 2019 Quarterly Meeting

Using Figurative Language to Creatively Develop Narrative Themes with John Jenkins May 4 9:00am – 12:00N Centreville Presbyterian Church Centreville, VA Members: free Non-members: Register Here In the May 2019 Capital Christian Writers Fellowship meeting, we will explore use of figurative language to creatively develop narrative themes. We will look at Shane, by Jack Shaefer…

Tuesday, April, 9: You have an idea for a fiction or nonfiction book…now what?

Tuesday, April, 9: You have an idea for a fiction or nonfiction book…now what?

You have an idea for a fiction or nonfiction book…now what? with Lisa Crayton* Webinar April 9, 2019 8:00 – 9:00 pm, Eastern Register Now The world of book publishing opens up when writers develop their ideas into well-written nonfiction or fiction manuscripts. Yet, developing those ideas sometimes seems like an insurmountable task. It’s not!…

What To Do About Slime

What To Do About Slime

By Sarah Hamaker, CCWF president Remember that old Nickelodeon TV awards show for kids where someone got slime poured over his head? That image of the green, gooey stuff cascading out of a giant bucket onto someone’s head came to mind when I read a snarky online comment about me. The person knew nothing about…

Birthing A Book

Birthing A Book

Whether you self-publish or go with traditional publishing, there are three distinct, sometimes overlapping processes in getting your book out there: Writing Publishing Marketing The internet has made getting your writing out there as easy as typing up your thoughts, posting them on a blog or social media, then telling your friends about it or…

Marketing Your Book: 3/19 Webinar with David Winters

Marketing Your Book: 3/19 Webinar with David Winters

Marketing Your Book: from Idea through Publication to Backlist Webinar March 19, 2019 8:00 – 9:00pm, Eastern Register Now   David Winters’, Marketing Your Book: from Idea through Publication to Backlist will give a fast-paced look at the author’s role in promoting and marketing books. This webinar will cover an extensive timeline of activities before,…

What If?

What If?

By Sarah Hamaker, president of CCWF What if I actually can’t write? What if the plot’s a mess? What if I start and don’t know how to finish the book? What if no one else likes it? What if it’s published and no one buys it? In our writing life, we entertain many What If…