2021 Anthology Information Links

Announcing 2021 CCWF Anthology
CCWF Anthology: Submission Formatting
Conversations Anthology Permissions Form

2021 Anthology
Conversations: Coming To Know God and to Make Him Known

As Christians, our writing is part of our testimony and our witness, whether we write explicitly Christian fiction or not, romance, memoirs, theological treatises, devotionals, non-fiction, or anything in between. Yet, the cacophony of the current world can quickly drown out the small still voice of God for which we listen. We struggle to have a conversation with God that can lead to conversations about God. Immersing ourselves in Scripture, in God’s Word, is one way to enter into conversation with Him and then respond in our writing. Let this selection of devotions, narrative writing, and essays help you strengthen your relationship with the Author of all creation that you may go out and bring His comfort and love to a hurting world.

What are we looking for?

Submit a piece that responds generally to the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, or write specifically on a verse or set of verses that fits into one of the following topics:

  1. Beatitudes
  2. Salt and Light
  3. Christ Fulfils the Law
  4. Actions vs. the Heart
  5. Love Your Enemies
  6. Lords Prayer
  7. Treasures in Heaven
  8. Do Not Worry
  9. Do Not Judge
  10. The Narrow Way
  11. Known By Their Fruits
  12. Building on the Rock

Members may submit one or more devotions or essays for inclusion, as well as royalty-free photos, graphics or artwork. You must provide the source for any photos/graphics/artwork. Stand-alone artwork should be accompanied with a title and/or written explanation that links to the Sermon on the Mount.

SUBMISSIONS: April 19-June 30, 2021.
Contact us regarding your interest in submission.

Formatting Expectations

* Selections for publication will be the property of the CCWF editorial group. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Submission does not guarantee publication. Decisions of the editorial group are final.