CCWF October Quarterly Meeting: Making Money As A Freelance Writer: YOU Can Do It!

Making Money As A Freelance Writer: YOU Can Do It!

With John Riddle

CCWF Quarterly Meeting, October 1, 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.


In person @ Centreville Presbyterian, Centreville, VA, and online via Zoom.

CCWF members, see your email to register for this event. Nonmembers, you can attend for $15 by clicking here.

Every freelance writer dreams about making money using their gift of creative communication. In this workshop, you will learn how to successfully navigate the publishing world and make money as a freelance writer. Whether you are a new writer or one who has lots of experience getting published, the tips and ideas will help you meet your goals: more bylines, and more checks!

Learn about school library publishers, specialty newsletters, greeting cards, press releases, gift book publishers, textbook publishers and much more. For nearly 15 years, John was on the road teaching at Christian and secular writing conferences all across the U.S. Many people from his workshops are now making money writing articles and books. Now, it’s YOUR turn!

About John
John Riddle is a fulltime freelance writer, author, ghostwriter and donut eater who works out of his home office in Delaware. His byline has appeared in major publications all across the U.S., and he has written articles for more than 300 websites. He is the author of 34 books for a variety of Christian and secular publishers, and recently self-published The Flying Nun, a Light Bulb Moment and Me: 40 Years Making Money as a Freelance Writer (Hey, You Can Do It, Too!). In 2002, he launched “I Love To Write Day,” a grassroots campaign to have people of all ages practice writing every November 15th. His favorite quote is from Walt Disney: “If you can dream it, you can do it!”

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