Member Spotlight: Sahar Smith
What type of writing do you do? And are you traditionally published or self/indie published?
I am fairly new to the art of writing and have not yet written a book, though God has given me the title and idea for three so far. The type of writing that I find I’m most drawn to communicate is inspirational non-fiction. I’m enrolled as a part-time student at Dallas Theological Seminary for a master’s degree in Apologetic and Evangelism, so writing for the moment consists mainly of satisfying writing assignments, that and the occasional Facebook post. Actually, my first published submission was in my church’s mission’s magazine, where I had the privilege of sharing my experience in visiting Jordan on a short-term trip helping, listening, and witnessing to Syrian refugees. The second published small piece and great honor was a prayer I wrote to be included in CCWF’s book Prayers for Writers. What an incredible source of comfort that book is to me.
What inspired you to begin writing?
God started putting this sense in my heart that I should write, which was something I had never aspired to do before. I attended a Christian Women’s Conference that did a workshop on writing, hosted by Johnese Burtram. Then, I got invited to a book signing for one of Mark Batterson’s books and he spoke about being called to write. Around that same time, God spoke through my adult son who said, “Mom, why don’t you write a book?” add to that my husband’s coworker, whom I have yet to meet in person, also told him that I should write a book, and there you go! At various moments in my life, rereading a post that I had written on Facebook or in my journal years earlier, and thinking, “Hey, I really love the way this sounds” or “I like what I had to say here”, or “wow, this really speaks to me” has continued to fuel that desire.
Do you schedule the time or write when the Spirit moves you?
I am definitely one of those that writes when the Spirit moves me. During those times, and they usually happen as I’m waking up, the thoughts flow and the wording comes quickly and easily. If I don’t make the time to do it at that moment, I find that I lose the passion that drove the idea in the first place. So, although I’ll go back and try and write it, it feels forced and not as free flowing. I guess you could say that’s the difference between immediate obedience or delayed obedience, which is how I see my call to write on certain issues, as He brings them to mind and provides the insight.
What is your writing dream?
My writing dream is to write in such a way that the Church is strengthened and renewed, the lost are told about the great Savior that loves them and gave Himself on a cross on their behalf, that children from all ages understand the message of the Good News, and that the outcast, the forsaken finds a family in the loving arms of Jesus and His followers. I see writing as a means to accomplish what Paul says in Acts 20:24 “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Father, use me to proclaim Your Great Name!
What would you most like to share with other Christian writers?
Write in such a way as to impart our Christian Faith to the next generation. In Deut. 6:7 and in Exod. 10:2 the Scriptures, through the Voice of the LORD God, speak on the importance of passing the faith on to our children and our children’s children. But how does our precious faith and the Fear of the LORD get passed down to them? They overhear us talk about the mighty acts of our awesome God. They see us give honor to the One we proclaim as Holy, Righteous, and Good! We teach them God’s Word and His ways, but we don’t stop there, we also demonstrate it before them. The former without the latter is void of power to impact their lives. In the above verses God relays to Moses, to the Israelites and to us, His deep desire to be known by the next generation. It’s up to us to actually do it. And, He is worthy! To the eternal Almighty God alone be glory, honor, wisdom and power, forever and ever amen!

Sahar Smith
Sahar Smith Bio.
I was born in Alexandria, Egypt and moved to America with my family when I was only two years old. I grew up in Houston, TX, joined the Army, got married, deployed to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, was honorable discharged and gave birth to two children. I recently celebrated my 30th anniversary and the birth of my seventh grandchild. Being led by the Lord, I’m currently enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary as a part-time student working on my master’s in Apologetic and Evangelism. I have a newfound interest in politics and through The Heritage Action I have an outlet for activism. And on most Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays you’ll find me in the kitchen of Manassas’s upscale coffeehouse, Jirani. Stop by sometime, I’d love to make you something yummy to devour!
In the words of the great Christian song “Nobody” by Casting Crowns, “ I’m just a nobody trying to tell everybody all about Somebody who saved my soul… I’m living for the world to see nobody but Jesus”