Fall 2019 Webinars

Fall 2019 Webinars

September 19, 2019, 8 p.m. Eastern Character Arc as a Vehicle of Hope Join author Jim Wilson as he discusses how stories—fiction or nonfiction—are about people growing or declining as they respond to challenging events. People are the subject; events the predicate. Writing is a process of discovery, not make believe—whether fiction or nonfiction. Writing…

Book Review

Platform: Get Noticed in Noisy World, Michael Hyatt / A Book Review

  Hyatt’s Platform Stands Solid; Gets Noticed Michael Hyatt.  2012.  Platform:  Get Noticed in Noisy World.   Nashville:  Thomas Nelson. My introduction this fall to social media evokes memories of my experience with survival camping as a Boy Scout. Survival camping tested your skill with the equipment, with problematic colleagues, and with hiking through rugged terrain….

August CCWF 2019 Quarterly Meeting / Writing Clinic

  CCWF Writing Clinic Exploring Peer Critique August 10, 2019 9:00am – 12:00N Centreville Presbyterian Church Centreville, VA Members: free Non-members: Register Here Join CCWF   Discover the value of peer feedback for your writing. The good outcome of the common shared critique of our writing is expressed in writer quotes, purpose statements and expressed…

Father, Strengthen My Writing with Your Power.

Father, Strengthen My Writing with Your Power.

Father, strengthen my writing with Your power, a writers prayer based on Ephesians 3:16. Writing is a bridge of words that carries a thought from the writer to the reader. Powerful writing changes both the reader and the writer—it has an impact. It brings new realizations, new connections, new possibilities, new ways of being. Powerful…

Tackling the Small Stuff

Tackling the Small Stuff

By Sarah Hamaker, CCWF president I’m a details person, which translated well into my chosen profession of writer and editor. I notice things like misplaced commas, wrong usage of apostrophes (don’t get me started on how years can’t be possessive!) and subject/verb disagreement. It used to drive me crazy when I encountered grammatical or word…