Launch Day Report
The day dawned bright and crisp. As I journeyed north from Central Virginia to Centreville, the temperature began to drop. Arriving at Centreville Presbyterian Church, the breeze made unloading our meeting supplies a freezy endeavor.
Two weeks ago we launched Capital Christian Writers Fellowship. We were delighted to welcome a diverse group of writers to this initial quarterly meeting.

Johnese Burtram, Vice President brought devotional thoughts about the importance of our message. Truth and Hope provide solid pillars for the Christian message.
Prayer Coordinator, Betsey Kodat introduced the Prayer component to our Fellowship. She reminded us that this work of Christian writing is His work and a collaborative effort with the Holy Spirit and the prayer support of our fellow writers. She collected our response to prayer for our writing.

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Our President, Sarah Hamaker presented a short workshop on Goal Setting for 2019. Her ideas for getting off to a great start in this year helped us focus on realistic writing goals and how to manage our time to reach those goals.
The meeting ended with a wonderful brunch.
Attendee Feedback About Our Launch
What worked-
… the meeting was well planned and organized…definitely worth my time!The meeting was good –…you all gave practical tips.
I felt … equipped when I left. Each part of the program was timely and appropriate…
… informative session(s) with a good flow between the presenters. Very good first session.
…location was easy to find and the proper size for the attendees
What didn’t work-
climate was a challenge
I know you may not be able to control this but the room was way too cold.
(We regret the difficulties with climate control at our launch. This is a matter we are definitely looking into. We appreciate your patience at hanging with us in spite of the cold.)
Biggest Takeaway-
…power of prayer to focus writing.
There are great benefits to dialogue that encourages other writers because each benefits.
…my message must always resonate with Truth so my readers will know they have a choice
…pray for my writing
being alert in my choices—bolder in some areas and more practical in others
realistic and yet courageous in setting my goals
I felt encouraged…when I left
the networking during brunch
General Comments-
…thank(s) (to) all of you who had a hand in organizing and melding both writers groups. I applaud your plan for meetings and online
This was a fantastic first meeting. I love the new group.
meeting was great…other(s) … a tangible spirit of humility and encouragement; no evidence of pride or comparison
Thank You
For giving your feedback
For your openness to network and share with your fellow writers—new friends and old
To our presenters
For jumping in to help clean up after the brunch.
To Stephanie and Johnese for yummy brunch.
To authors who brought sample copies of their writing
Join Today
All CCWF quarterly meetings and webinars are without charge to members
Membership is $40 annually
CCWF Membership Benefits
In-person meetings quarterly with teaching, fellowship and networking opportunities
$25.00 cost to non-members
Webinars in the other months
$10.00 cost to non-members