May Webinar: Writing Can Be So TAXING

Tax Webinar

May 20, 2020

8 p.m. Eastern

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“Writing can be so TAXING”

Do you love taxes and accounting? For most writers, the thought of either one stresses you out. But it doesn’t have it! CPA Chris Morris will walk you through:

  • What you can and cannot write off
  • When it makes sense to hire a CPA
  • How to estimate quarterly tax payments
  • Why you might be flagged for an audit, and how to avoid it
  • How to keep track of the things that matter for tax and accounting purposes

Chris will also leave time after his presentation for questions. When was the last time a CPA gave you an open forum to help you out at no cost?

Chris Morris, CPA

About Chris Morris
Chris is the founder and manager partner for Chris Morris CPA LLC, an accounting firm focused on meeting the needs of small-business owners. He has worked in accounting and finance for nearly two decades, but over the past five years has been focused on building his firm and serving his clients. He has developed niche expertise for creative entrepreneurs and specifically authors, which now represent more than 65% of his clients.

His book, Oh Snap! I’m Making Money, Now What? A Creative Entrepreneur’s Guide to Managing Taxes & Accounting for a Growing Business, tackles all the questions creative entrepreneurs will have as their business begins to bring in revenue, and provides a go-to resource in easy question-and-answer format.

Do you love taxes and accounting? For most writers, the thought of either one stresses you out. But it doesn’t have it! CPA Chris Morris will walk you through what you need to know about writers’ taxes.

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