Vendor and Sponsor Registration

2020 Conference

VENDORS – As part of this one-day conference, the organizers are putting together a brochure of writers, editors, copyeditors, proofreaders, photographers, graphic designers, cover designers, ebook formatters and others who work behind the scenes to help authors publish books. This vendor brochure will be emailed to our members, as well as handed out at our conference and posted on our websites.

SPONSORS – We are also looking for sponsors for lunch and breaks to help cover those costs and to introduce our attendees to businesses that can help them in their writing journey. Sponsors receive mention in the vendor brochure. Please scroll past the vendor section for details and to register as a sponsor. Because we are a nonprofit organization, sponsorships are tax deductible.

Please fill out the appropriate form below. When you click submit, you will be taken to the payment page.

Vendor Brochure

Low Option – $10: Includes your business name and a business description (maximum 50 words).

High Option – $25: Includes your business name, a business description (maximum 100 words) and your company logo/artwork (JPEG only).

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Coffee Break – $75: There will be three coffee breaks during the conference. Each sponsor will receive:

  • Company name and logo displayed on the main screen during the break
  • Company name listed in the conference program
  • A mention in the sponsor section of the vendor brochure

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Lunch Break – $300: The sponsor for the lunch break will receive:

  • Company name and logo on the main screen
  • Company literature handouts
  • A verbal announcement when the meal begins
  • An optional silent slide show on the main screen during a portion of the lunch break (please send slides two weeks in advance)
  • Company name listed in the conference program
  • A mention in the sponsor section of the vendor brochure

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