August CCWF 2019 Quarterly Meeting / Writing Clinic
CCWF Writing Clinic
Exploring Peer Critique
August 10, 2019
9:00am – 12:00N
Centreville Presbyterian Church
Centreville, VA
Members: free
Non-members: Register Here
Discover the value of peer feedback for your writing.
The good outcome of the common shared critique of our writing is expressed in writer quotes, purpose statements and expressed mission:
- The purpose of a writing group is encouragement and improvement for all members.
Lit Reactor - To encourage one another in our writing endeavors and to educate writers, both fiction and nonfiction, on the craft and business of writing.
CCWF Mission - We’re intensely focused, motivated writers who understand the importance of constructive criticism and honesty and consider the knowledge we gain from hearing critiques of other members’ work just as educational as hearing critiques of our own work…
The writing skills we learn from each other due to the eclectic cross-genre perspectives and diverse styles of the members is invaluable, an experience that can’t be taught by any conventional research or study methods.
Atlanta Writers’ Collective - …criticism helps to give us a new perspective and opens our eyes to things we may have overlooked or never considered. … peer review of your work … and feedback can help you grow by shedding light and giving you the opportunity for improvement. snag.
Writing Clinic features:
- Overview of critique – Sarah Hamaker
- How peer critique works/Types of critique groups – Johnese Burtram
- Brunch
- Hands on Peer Critique
- Small group review of WIP
Submit your WorkInProgess (WIP) for Peer Critique at our CCWF August 10 meeting.
Submissions due July 26, 2019
Peer Critique Submission Guidelines
Hi! Do you have regular meetings? I would love to join!
Yes, we do have regular meetings, both in person and online. Join our mailing list for more details and to get up to date info.