
Welcome to the new website of Capital Christian Writers Fellowship. We have combined the best of two groups: Capital Christian Writers and Northern Virginia Christian Writers Fellowship into what we believe will offer:

  • Accepting, encouraging atmosphere for event attendees
  • Opportunities to connect with other writers
  • Cultivating a support group feel for all writers
  • Opportunities to accumulate writing credits through the annual anthology
  • Continued emphasis on writer development with speakers on both the craft of writing and the business of writing
  • Activities focused on networking

Back Story

Because CCW and NVCWF overlapped in membership, attendance pool, and objectives, and because it is difficult to make evening meetings in the hectic Washington, DC traffic, the leaders of both groups collaborated in several discussions and determined this new organization offers increased opportunities for writers through high level speakers, volunteer positions that can help you in your writing endeavors and a greater depth of expertise and networking for Christian writers in our area.

Our recent collaboration for the Marketing for Writers Conference in September 2018 was successful with duties spread between combined representation from each group. Our conference drew in new writers and netted each group a profit. Participant response from the event was positive and encouraging. Our combined conference helped us realize the potential for combining our efforts long-term.

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One Comment

  1. What a wonderful idea! I love the potential synergy between the groups. I hope to have many wonderful times together with other writers, to be encouraged and to encourage, to be educated and to share what education I already have.

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