5 Reasons to Attend a Writer’s Conference

By Sarah Hamaker, CCWF President

Why should writers, aspiring or established, attend a conference for writers? I’ve attended small writers conferences and large ones, local ones and ones across the country, and each time, I’ve left glad I came. Here are my top 5 reasons for why writers should attend a conference for writers.

1. Connections. At writers conferences, you rub shoulders with other writers, editors, agents, designers, mentors and others who can


help you along your publishing journey. At CCWF’s Prepare to Publish conference on January 25, 2020, we’ve made it easy to connect with fellow writers, editors and other professionals.

2. Education. Writers conferences are chock-full of workshops and general sessions all designed to help writers hone their craft. I’ve always gleaned new insights and ideas after attending a variety of workshops at such conferences.

3. Fellowship. There’s something truly special about being in the same room full of other writers. You realize that you’re not alone, that there are others who are making the same journey of putting words on paper. This fellowship is sweet and special.

4. Encouragement. Are you feeling discouraged about your writing? Then go to a writers conference. You will find yourself filled with encouragement as you talk about your projects–and hear how others are fulfilling their God-given calling of writing.

5. Hope. Along with encouragement comes hope. Hope that you will finish that book. Hope that you will take the next step along your writing journey. Hope that you can press forward despite the setbacks. Hope that you do have more to say. And hope that there’s a world who needs to read your words.

If you’re a writer in the Washington, D.C., area, I hope that you will join us on Saturday, January 25, 2020, at our Prepare to Publish conference. You will find connections, education, fellowship, encouragement and hope to continue the important work God has called you to do–writing the stories and articles and books he has laid on your heart.



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