
First 2022 CCWF Quarterly Meeting

Getting Started


Michele Chynoweth

Saturday, February 5, 2022
9:30 am – 11:00am, EST

Centreville Presbyterian Church

Do you have a great idea for a book but are just not sure how to get started writing it?

Best-selling author, editor and book coach Michele Chynoweth will show you how through simple, solid steps she uses in her Master Classes to guide you in coming up with a great title, writing a synopsis and chapter outline, and using good writing style to construct great sentences, scenes, and chapters that will make your readers want to turn the pages of your first book!

She’ll also share tips about getting started on the publishing journey by discussing various options, and beginning to build your marketing platform (including deciding on your genre and developing your niche) while you write your book so you will “hit the ground running” when your book is published!


Special Notes for 2/5 Meeting:

Please note that Michele will be presenting via Zoom; those able to meet in person will view her presentation on a large screen.

This is Bring Your Own Beverage (Coffee, tea, water, soda, etc.)

While the church is not requiring masks for vaccinated individuals, the CDC does recommend them and we encourage our members to wear a mask and social distance in consideration of those who may be particularly vulnerable or in close contact with someone who is.


CCWF Members see Member Reminders emails to Register.

Not a member – CLICK HERE to Register (Cost $15.00)
Quarterly CCWF Meetings are a member benefit. JOIN today to register without charge.

Michele Chynoweth



Michele Chynoweth is the best-selling and award-winning author of The Faithful One, The Peace Maker, The Runaway Prophet and The Jealous Son, contemporary suspense novels that re-imagine Bible stories. Michele is also a sought-after public speaker who has addressed a variety of writers’ conferences and other organizations across the country, a professional editor and book coach, college writing instructor and founder of “Your Book Done Right” Master Class and Elite Coaching. A former news reporter and marketing director, she’s a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and lives with her husband in North East, Maryland.

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