
Sharing Christ through Holiday Writings

WEBINAR November 10, 20218:oo – 9:00 EST Zoom Meeting Sharing Christ through Holiday Writings with Karen Whiting From church bulletins to articles and books, holidays provide lots of openings to share Christ. Even secular outlets are more open at Thanksgiving and Christmas for articles as audiences look for hope and want to connect to something…

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Join the Conversation

Sarah Hamaker, CCWF President If you’re reading this, chances are you consider yourself a writer—and we at Capital Christian Writers Fellowship believe that you are one, no matter where you find yourself along your writing journey. Since you are a writer, I encourage you to share with the large writing community in our 2021 anthology…


Write 3D Characters

Webinar JP Robinson March 9, 20218:00 – 9:00p.m. Eastern Time Write 3D Characters fuses art and history in an engaging workshop. Discover how to create a villain that appeals and put flesh on your protagonist. Designed for authors of fiction across genres, Write 3D Characters presents 5 essential strategies to create characters that “walk off the page.” Registration:…


Quarterly Meeting: February 6, 2021

Got Questions? We Got Answers! Writing Experts Answer Your Questions Saturday, February 6, 20219:30 – 11:00amZoom Meeting CCWF presents a panel of experienced writers to answer your writing questions. Click on the link below to ask your questions. You may direct your question(s) to a specific panelist if you’d like. Their bios are below. Quarterly…