
Quarterly Meeting 10/31/2020 with…

Preslaysa Williams “Writing for Change” October 31, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.Venue TBA From abortion to Black Lives Matter, Christian writers should be on the forefront of writing for change. But how do we tackle sensitive—and sometimes charged—social issues in a way that will honor Christ and get our message across to readers? Join award-winning…

Book Review

Your Guide to Marketing Books in the Christian Marketplace, Sarah Bolme / Book Review

Review byStephen W. Hiemstra Bolme Guides Authors in Christian Marketing Sarah Bolme. 2014. Your Guide to Marketing Books in the Christian Marketplace.  Charlotte: Crest Publications. Review by Stephen W. Hiemstra One surprise when you become an author is how hard it is to sell books. This comes as a surprise because most authors are also avid…

Book Review

The Last Fifty Pages: The Art and Craft of Unforgettable Endings, James Scott Bell / A Book Review

Bell Writes Finishing Well James Scott Bell. 2019. The Last Fifty Pages: The Art and Craft of Unforgettable Endings. Woodland Hills, CA: Compendium Press. The hardest part of ending a post or book is to end gracefully. It is generally good to offer a chiastic return to your opening comments or to highlight the theme…

Penn Attracts Readers to Books / A Book Review

Penn Attracts Readers to Books / A Book Review

Review by:Stephen W. Hiemstra How to Market a BookJoanna Penn One of the banes of postmodern life is that successful professionals must communicate effectively across multiple media. Communication is more important than ever because technology has made all of us more productive. If one 2017 professional can now do the work of a dozen 1960…