Hooking Readers in the Online Sea – Linda J. White, FBI Fiction
Guest Blog from Linda J. White, 9/22 Webinar Speaker

White-knuckle FBI fiction writer
Writers upload seventy million new blog posts every month to WordPress. Each has the potential to reach the 409 million readers who regularly access blogs on that platform.
That’s just one platform, and one type of online writing.
The Internet is truly an ocean of readers just waiting to be lured by savvy writers. But how does a writer know what bait to use? What equipment? What boat to board to venture into the briny deep?
How do you learn to write in a captivating way? That’s a must. Readers spend an average of sixteen seconds on each post they access. Sixteen seconds. How can you keep them reading?
How do you monetize online writing? Is it worth your time to write if you don’t?
What are the potential pitfalls of swimming in the Internet sea? Should you post pictures of your children? Grandchildren? What’s the risk?
Where do you get ideas? How do you research topics?
There are a million questions we could ask about writing online. We won’t address them all, but we’ll cover the basics in the 9/22/2020 CCWF Fall Webinar.
As an editorial writer and columnist for a daily newspaper, I had to learn some tricks to make my online writing stand out, to make readers keep reading until they understood my points. I spent fourteen years working for the editorial pages of The Free Lance-Star in Fredericksburg. For most of that time, I was the assistant editorial-page editor, responsible for producing opinion pieces of my own and editing others’. After nineteen years, I still have a monthly column in that paper, not only in the print edition but online as well.
As a novelist, everything I post is a sample of my work. If I can’t keep readers’ attention for eight hundred words, how will I sustain it for eighty-five thousand? I use Facebook regularly, and have a website. I also dabble in Twitter and Instagram. But my most effective way of communicating is through my email newsletter. That, too, appears online on my Facebook page.
Online writing matters. Your voice matters. I hope our discussion will make all of us use online opportunities most effectively.
On September 22, I will share some of the tricks I’ve learned that cover not only blogs, but many other forms of online writing. And I’ll share the experiences of a friend of mine who recently put up her 901st post.
No matter what kind of writing you do online, I hope this Webinar will engage and encourage you.
See you then,
Hooking Readers in the Online Sea.
Fall Webinar, 9/22/2020
8:00 – 9:00pm
Zoom Meeting
Registration information, Click Here
Linda J. White
Twitter: @rytn4hm
Facebook: LindaJWhiteBooks
Instagram: lindajwhitebooks