
“Hot Seat” Author Panel Featured in Spring Quarterly Meeting

“Hot Seat”
Fiction / Nonfiction Author Panel

A favorite part of our in person to person meetings is our author networking. With our Zoom meeting, you can still network with your fellow writers. Put our member authors on the “hot seat” when our Fiction and Non-fiction panels answer your writing questions.  Registration information below.


Claudette Renalds

By the Sea, published Elk Lake Publishing, Inc 2/2019


Claudette Renalds began her writing career at age 67. Several short stories were published in anthologies by The Northern Virginian Christian Writers Fellowship. In February 2019, her debut novel, By the Sea, a contemporary romance, was published by Elk Lake Publishing, Inc. Her second novel, Journey to Hope: The Legacy of a Mail Order Bride, will be released next month. Website: https://thatothersmayknow.blog/
Pam Green

The Jesus Car, published Pheobe Books, 2019

Pam Green made her writing début in fifth grade when drafted to write the class play, Ghosts! Ghosts! Ghosts! At twelve, she fell in love with the French language. After a satisfying teaching career, she still peeks in the windows of empty schools while traveling and lingers in school supply aisles in August. Her stories show that God is always working in the lives of His children and seeking new members of His family.
Sarah Hamaker

Dangerous Christmas Memories, published Love Inspired Suspense, 11/2019

Sarah Hamaker has been spinning stories since she was a child, with two nonfiction books published (Hired@Home and Ending Sibling Rivalry). Sarah won the 2015 American Christian Fiction Writers Genesis Award for romantic suspense. She’s a member of ACFW and ACFW Virginia Chapter, as well as the president of Capital Christian Writers Fellowship. Sarah lives in Virginia with her husband, four children, and three cats. Visit her online at sarahhamakerfiction.com.


Kristina Kotlus

I Quit, Facing Cancer with Faith, Family, and Friends,
published 2/2020, Morgan James’ faith division.



Kristina Schnack Kotlus is a Prince William County native and the award-winning blogger behind PwcMoms.com. She is a homeschooling wife and mother of 3, and when she is not writing for her own book or website, she also frequently freelances for publications around the region. She attends Chapel Springs Church in Bristow, VA, where she enjoys teaching both adults and children. Her book is about choosing faith over fear, and is based on her experiences overcoming brain cancer, twice. https://kristinakotlus.com/
Stephen Hiemstra

Simple Faith, published 4/2019, T2Pneuma Publishers LLC

Stephen W. Hiemstra (MDiv, PhD) is a slave of Christ, husband, father, author, and volunteer pastor in Hispanic ministry. He lives with his wife, Maryam, of over thirty years in Centreville, Virginia and they have three grown children. Stephen writes on Christian spirituality in English and Spanish. He blogs four times weekly at T2Pneuma.net, including a podcast on Mondays. Before graduating from seminary in 2013, Stephen worked for twenty-seven years as a federal government economist. https://www.stephenwhiemstra.net/
Whitney Hopler

Waking Up to Wonder,

Published Elk Lake Publishing, coming 9/20/2020

Whitney Hopler has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including Crosswalk.com, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and Dotdash.com (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). Currently, she works as communications director for the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being at George Mason University. Whitney’s writing has inspired readers worldwide in many publications, from Guideposts and Angels on Earth to The Washington Post and Thrive Global.com. https://www.whitneyhopler.com/

CCWF Spring Quarter
Featured Speaker


Sara Turnquist 


April 18, 2020

9:30am – 12:00N

Zoom Meeting


Improve your research skills at our April 18th Virtual Meeting with Sara Turnquist, a coffee lovin’, word slinging, clean Historical Romance author who will talk about research.

Spring Quarter Meeting Information


CCWF Membership benefit – RSVP and Zoom link via “Members Only” email.

Non-members: Register Here


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